Gender Ratio on Dating Sites By Age

Gender Ratio on Dating Sites by Age & Histogram of Age (click on image to see HD version)

Gender Ratio on Dating Sites

Histogram and Gender Ratio on Dating Sites


Here is an “un-stacked” version of the Histogram.

Gender Ratio on Dating Sites

Un-stacked Histogram and Gender Ratio on Dating Sites


(Note: Data for age 60 and 61 were binned in the age 60 bin.)

View SVG version here:  (CTRL + to zoom in as much as you want.)

These data are from dating profiles all over the world. Note: The majority are from the US.

I always love seeing the raw data when I look at graphs so here is the table.

Age  Male  Female Ratio
18 63,121 42,325 1.49
19 79,815 50,706 1.57
20 94,232 50,653 1.86
21 108,934 55,031 1.98
22 116,770 56,519 2.07
23 126,399 59,867 2.11
24 118,945 54,811 2.17
25 116,456 51,950 2.24
26 106,582 47,846 2.23
27 99,426 45,602 2.18
28 95,564 43,462 2.20
29 82,679 39,019 2.12
30 76,690 37,518 2.04
31 67,896 34,600 1.96
32 63,449 32,668 1.94
33 64,913 34,147 1.90
34 50,776 28,700 1.77
35 47,415 26,980 1.76
36 43,093 25,513 1.69
37 39,639 24,595 1.61
38 38,744 23,991 1.61
39 34,014 22,261 1.53
40 33,279 22,287 1.49
41 30,630 21,679 1.41
42 30,625 22,103 1.39
43 32,195 22,846 1.41
44 26,349 19,904 1.32
45 24,136 18,773 1.29
46 22,017 17,826 1.24
47 21,100 17,542 1.20
48 20,458 17,386 1.18
49 18,331 16,022 1.14
50 16,591 14,604 1.14
51 14,336 13,029 1.10
52 13,420 12,345 1.09
53 13,167 12,037 1.09
54 10,338 9,767 1.06
55 9,679 9,166 1.06
56 8,434 8,152 1.03
57 7,410 7,067 1.05
58 6,869 6,490 1.06
59 5,492 5,590 0.98
60 4,836 4,760 1.02




Tools used:

Python for data mining

BeautifulSoup for HTML parsing (Python)

MongoDB for data storage (PyMongo, Python)

Matplotlib to create the graph (Python)



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